Hotel Fabric

The Best Galette des Rois (King's Cake) in Paris 2024

Categories : Lifestyle, published on : 1/4/24

In the heart of the winter season, the King's Cake presents itself as a delicious and indulgent tradition not to be missed. This iconic pastry, associated with Epiphany, goes beyond a mere treat: it embodies sharing, conviviality, and a touch of enchantment.

But do you have any idea about the origin of the King's Cake?

This tradition has ancient roots dating back to Roman times when it celebrated the Saturnalia, a festival dedicated to the god Saturn. Over time, it evolved to become the indispensable dessert of Epiphany, celebrated on January 6 in commemoration of the visit of the Three Wise Men to the baby Jesus.

Will you opt for the traditional recipe or a signature variation?

The King's Cake comes in various versions, but the traditional recipe remains the most beloved. It consists of a delicious frangipane, a blend of almond cream and pastry cream, enveloped in a thin puff pastry. Baked to perfection, it provides a crispy exterior and a melting interior.

Will you be King or Queen for a day?

A playful element of the King's Cake is the "bean." Once a real bean, it symbolized the sharing of harvests and renewal. Nowadays, the bean, often made of porcelain, represents various characters, animals, or symbols of luck. The person who discovers the bean in their slice becomes the "king" or "queen" for the day. The King's Cake thus brings together family and friends around a table, creating a warm and convivial moment, with everyone eagerly anticipating the discovery of the bean in their slice.

What is the best King's Cake for 2024?

As always, in Paris, the options are plentiful! This year, we recommend the creations of Jacques Génin, a master chocolatier. In addition to the traditional frangipane King's Cake, he offers his interpretation for chocolate enthusiasts!

Feel free to visit his shop in Le Marais, just a short walk from the hotel FABRIC!

The reception team at the hotel FABRIC is at your disposal for advice, and don't hesitate to let us know about your favorite King's Cake!

Photo ©Jacqueline Macou - Pixabay